Django Admin Customization

Ahin Das
4 min readJul 16, 2021

by ahin subhra das

Django is one of the most popular framework in python . Django Admin is one of the most important tools of Django. It’s a full-fledged application with all the utilities a developer need. Django Admin’s task is to provide an interface to the admin of the web project.

Firstly we need to create a new project in django with the command :

django-admin startproject cust_admin [project name :cust_admin]

Under this project we need to create a new app for better experience . for that we use: python startapp app_cust_admin

[app name:app_cust_admin]

After that we must create a new superuser for our project before that if we run migrations then it is helpful for our project .

For migrations :

  1. python makemigrations
  2. python migrate

For run the server : python runserver

To Create super user :

python createsuperuser

After creating a new superuser anyone easily access admin tool of that project from this url .

Basic view of Django admin home page

For more clear knowledge we need to create a model of any datasets [like user details or any product or student details any].

In app_cust_admin we have a file named , we need to add code for our model.

from django.db import models

# Create your models here.

class User_list(models.Model) :

fullname = models.CharField(max_length=200,null=True)

app_id = models.IntegerField(null=True)

profession = models.CharField(max_length=200,null=True)

email = models.EmailField(max_length = 254,null=True)

status = models.CharField(max_length=50,default=’1')

class Meta:

app_label = ‘app_cust_admin’

In we need to add:

from django.contrib import admin

from .models import User_list

# Register your models here. = “Django admin Customization”

After that we need to run migrations for another time:

After model created and link with model fileds add form are ganurated

Now we want to show data of user_list in our admin dashboard, for that we add code in

from django.contrib import admin

from .models import User_list

# Register your models here.

class HomeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

list_display = (‘fullname’, ‘app_id’,’profession’,’email’,’status’),HomeAdmin)

List view of our user_list data

After that we add filter in our admin to get more filterd data , here we use profession as filter parameter:

after list_display ->

#filter your data as you want

list_filter = [‘profession’]

look in the right side of our tab filter option are added

After adding filter we are moving to django admin actions. This is a very important tool in admin with this you can do many types of operations . For example here we try to do a duplicate data generating action button.

Firstly we create a new file named in we write this code :

import csv

from django.http import HttpResponse

from datetime import datetime

from .models import User_list

from django.contrib import messages

def create_duplicate_action():

def create_duplicate(modeladmin, request, queryset):

if len(queryset) > 1:

messages.error(request , “Can not select more than one lead.”)


obj = queryset.values(‘fullname’, ‘app_id’,’profession’,’email’,’status’)[0]

obj[‘status’] = 1

User_list.objects.create(**obj), “Successfully created duplicate lead.”)

return True

create_duplicate.short_description = “Create Duplicate User”

return create_duplicate

Now we add some line of code in :

for link we add : from .actions import create_duplicate_action


after list_filter we add : actions = [create_duplicate_action()]

A new action buuton name is create Duplicate User

With this operation we easily make a duplicate data of present record .

This type of many operations we can implement in our django admin .

I just give here a small outfit of django admin customization. Plese give your feedback about my article under the comment section.

