Core Python lesson-1 | From scratch to loops

Ahin Das
4 min readJul 20, 2021

by ahin subhra das

Python is a dynamic, high-level, and interpreted programming language. It supports Object Oriented programming approach to develop applications. It is simple and easy to learn and provides lots of high-level data structures.

History of Python :

Python was invented by Guido van Rossum in 1991 at CWI in Netherland. The idea of Python programming language has taken from the ABC programming language.

There is also a fact behind the choosing name Python. Guido van Rossum was a fan of the popular BBC comedy show of that time, “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”. So he decided to pick the name Python for his newly created programming language.

Why we learn Python?


  • Interpreted Language
  • Object-Oriented Language
  • Open Source Language
  • Extensible
  • Learn Standard Library
  • GUI Programming Support
  • Integrated
  • Embeddable
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • Wide Range of Libraries and Frameworks

Python is Platform-Independent or dependent ?

: Python is a binary platform-independent programming language. The same Python code can run on virtually all operating systems and platforms. However, some precautions must be taken when programming with Python, such as minding case-sensitivity and avoiding certain modules, in order to avoid compatibility issues.

Python First Program:

print(“hello , python world! ”)

Basic Programs :

1. sum of two numbers :

a=int(input(“enter 1st number: ”))

b=int(input(“enter 2nd number: ”))


##note: Here, if user input contains digits only, int() function parses integer otherwise a ValueError is encountered.

The int() function converts the specified value into an integer number.

2. String input from keyboard :

name=input(“enter your name:”)

print(“your name is ”,name)

Python Comments:

Comments are generally used to explain the code. We can easily understand the code if it has a proper explanation.

To apply the comment in the code we use the hash(#) at the beginning of the statement or code.

# This is the print statement

print(“Hello Python”)

Python If-else statements :

The if-else statement provides an else block combined with the if statement which is executed in the false case of the condition.

1.Program to check whether a person is eligible to vote or not:

age = int (input(“Enter your age? “))

if age>=18:

print(“You are eligible to vote !!”);


print(“Sorry! you have to wait !!”);

2: Program to check whether a number is even or not:

num = int(input(“enter the number?”))

if num%2 == 0:

print(“Number is even…”)


print(“Number is odd…”)

elif statement:

1.Checking number equality :

number = int(input(“Enter the number?”))

if number==10:

print(“number is equals to 10”)

elif number==50:

print(“number is equal to 50”);

elif number==100:

print(“number is equal to 100”);


print(“number is not equal to 10, 50 or 100”);

Nested if statement :

1.Program to print the largest of the three numbers.

a = int(input(“Enter a? “));

b = int(input(“Enter b? “));

c = int(input(“Enter c? “));

if a>b and a>c:

print(“a is largest”);

if b>a and b>c:

print(“b is largest”);

if c>a and c>b:

print(“c is largest”);

Loops :

Python for loop:

#for loop syntax:

for iterating_var in sequence:


#for loop flow-chart :

1.print number with for loop:

n = 4

for i in range(0, n):


here, range( start, stop, step size)

2.Iterating string using for loop

str = “Python”

for i in str:


Nested for loop:

1.print star pyramid

# User input for number of rows

rows = int(input(“Enter the rows:”))

# Outer loop will print number of rows

for i in range(0,rows+1):

# Inner loop will print number of Astrisk

for j in range(i):

print(“*”,end = ‘’)


2.Program to number pyramid:

rows = int(input(“Enter the rows”))

for i in range(0,rows+1):

for j in range(i):

print(i,end = ‘’)


Using else statement with for loop:

1.print number upto range given:

for i in range(0,1,5):



print(“for loop completely exhausted.”)

While loop in python :

#while loop syntax:

while expression:


#while loop flow-chart:

1.Print i as long as i is less than 6:

i = 1
while i < 6:
i += 1

Note: remember to increment i, or else the loop will continue forever.

2: Program to print table of given numbers:




number = int(input(“Enter the number:”))

while i<=10:

print(“%d X %d = %d \n”%(number,i,number*i))

i = i+1

Break statement in python:

1.use of break statement in while loop :

i = 1
while i < 6:
if i == 3:
i += 1

2.use of break statement in for loop :

str = “python”

for i in str:

if i == ‘o’:



Continue statement in python :

continue flow-diagram:

1.use of Continue statement in while loop :

i = 0

while(i < 10):

i = i+1

if(i == 5):



2.use of Continue statement in for loop :

str = “python”

for i in str:

if(i == ‘T’):




